Saturday, October 31, 2015

Happy Halloween

The photo shoot went extremely well.  Lots of folks in the neighborhood were drawn to all those lights and all that corn and my fears that the Haunt would be too dark for this neighborhood have ended.  People really seemed to dig it and they lingered to walk among the corpsecrows and study the pumpkin faces.  Lots of fun.

Super exhausted and looking forward to today where I can just walk among it all and do fine-tuning.  Forecast is saying it'll be a cool and cloudy Halloween and I'm insanely grateful for it.

Hope everyone has an amazing Halloween.
Wishing dry weather and creepy magic.



And click here for a video.


jirpel said...

Excellent! What a great display. Love the corpsecrows, wish I could walk among them myself. Have a happy and dry Halloween

Marrow said...

Hi hello, just dropping in to say that this looks absolutely stunning.

Echoes of 'The Corn Witch' in both the amber lighting the the props themselves (which, for the record, are looking more skin-crawlingly real than ever). Plus I love the way that the blue lighting on the three ghosts props brings out the details in silhouette.

Congrats, Rot - you've blown it out of the black, putrid water once again.

Rot said...

Welcome back, Marrow!
This is the human version of cruelty we saw from The Corn Witches. : )

NoahFentz said...

Well Done Rot, Well Done.

Grim said...

Awesome! I hope you and Bean have a Happy Halloween!

Grim said...

Awesome! I hope you and Bean have a Happy Halloween!

Rot said...

Thanks, guys!

Unknown said...

I wanted to start my Halloween off here, and was glad to see the photos. I was even happier to read that it looks like your weather will hold.

Thanks for sharing, and have a great time roaming your haunt today, and tonight....

Lucas said...

Simply stunning work from a true high holiday inspiration. I love the corpsecrows - how the exist before and amongst the sparse corn. And there's just something magical about your jack o'lanterns. So classic and so full of personality. I'd love to hear their conversations on this most magical of nights.

Have a Happy Halloween from Nebraska, Rot!

Terrormaster said...

Rot, I've followed your work for an incredibly long time. I liked last year's display. But for me your scarecrows, corpsecrows, and corpsewitches are where you truly shine. This year's display ranks as my absolute favorite among your work followed only by The Corn Witch, Scarecrow Catacombs, and the Skull Witches. You've raised the bar high sir - keep up the awesome work. Happy Halloween to you and Bean.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely wonderful. I love how dark this one is and the back story that comes with it.

You keep out doing yourself every year. Bravo.

Adam said...

I'm in awe man. Perfect yet again. Thanks to both of you for the help this year. Can't wait to see even more shots. Happy Halloween!

Goneferalinidaho said...

Left coaster here, woke up early on a Saturday morning just for this. Super cool! I love the look of the haunt. Have a wonderful and Happy Halloween!

Erik J.A. said...

Incredible as always. My wife and I are getting ready to buy a home and your inspiring creativity has me already planning for our first haunt next year. I always start Halloween day here at Pumpkin Rot. Many blessings to you and Bean on this high holiday!

Gourdin Fester said...

As always, you capture the perfect feeling of dread in each of the corpsecrows faces- so difficult to do. So cool to think they were strung up tight by thier killer. Also love the classic skull faces with the outline of rot. The Sheeted victims are fun as well- a killers lazy decoration for sure. Lots to study for the coming year and a whole new inspired mind stirring for us mortals. Thank you- thank you both

Rot said...

Thanks a TON, everyone.
Really appreciate it.
So glad you dig this year's look.

Willow Cove said...

Amazing , Rot! You have that knack for blocking out the rest of the street and turning your haunt into a secluded, isolated dark place that draws you in. The Three ghosts are so creepy good! And I love the use of the bottles and stuff. Well done!

Rot said...

Thanks, man.
I really stressed this year about using corn to block out the street. The scarecrows just wouldn't have looked the same with the street and sidewalk and parked cars. SO glad that it worked out. That farm owes me a commission for buying so much corn.

girl6 said...

i DIDN'T know that they had paper mache in the OtherWorld.. : D
You Guys ARE an Amazing Team..Yingin n Yangin..<333
Keep the fires burnin today & always..& please,, toast Mr. Ray when you guys are celebrating later tonight, in the warmth of your home & love. (i know he's with you in spirit in your October Country---your beautiful Haunt).<333

Happy Hell.oween on Earth!!
Have a Great Day Everyone!!.<3

ps.SO good to see you Marrow..come back to us little Rot. : )

Ragged Grin said...

Love the incorporation of the yard as a field of corpses, deadly ominous, those night shots are astonishing.

Just an amazing job all around, Sir. Well done, as expected. Total immersion.

Jeannine520 said...

Absolutely beautiful. I wish I could see it in person. You and Bean have a Happy and spooky Halloween.

Mike V. said...

Creepy, amazing scenes. Kudos to you both. Outstanding job again. Wish I could see it in person. Have a Happy Halloween.

Sara said...

Have you always posted your shots Halloween Day? I thought a while ago they were posted Nov.1. Like somebody else said, it's a nice way to start off Halloween morning, coming here. :) the theme is chilling.

Rural Scarecrow. said...

Extremely terrifying, and yet I want to see more. Can't wait for more pics. Again, a truly superb job and inspirational!

Rot said...

Thanks, all!

Sara, i can't recall when i started posting the photo shoot shots on Halloween morning. I feel like it's been a few years...though in 2012 we had that stupid hurricane which mixed things up...but I'll probably do the Halloween morning thing till the day i croak.
It's fun working on the post.

LabyrinthCreations said...

Another triumph, Rot! completely fabulous!

Holy Tarra said...

These are un bleeping believable!!!! Tell the truth! You have a dozen minions/slaves locked in your basement that only get to eat when they have done their paper mache quota for the day : d GORGEOUS1!!!!!!!!!!!!! JUST GORGEOUs!!!!!!!

Monk said...

Love it!

Colleen said...

Holy corn stalks Rot Man! Did you help yourself to a corn field or what!? I had a hard time just getting two of the damn things! Great job as always! Happy Halloween!

NecroBones said...

Man, looking great! As always!

Dstrong61 said...

Amazing as always! Can't wait for the day you share your techniques and secrets!! I'm always awaiting your Halloween displays and wish you would just have a display a month! lol I really loved the Mr. Jones scarecrows as well. Keep up the great work we are all inspired by all your master pieces! Glad Bean is always in your corner she does lovely work as well. Happy Halloween! Thanks again for the eye candy!!

wicKED said...

You have truly outdid yourself! Absolutely amazing work!

Old Fashion Halloween said...

Always a delight. The lighting is spectacular. Happy Halloween!

Steve Ring said...

Heaven, as always! :)

Arcane said...

Nothing short of amazing. Stunning work as usual and a pleasure to take in. What a sight it must be to see in person. Happy Halloween you two!

Michael said...

So beautiful, Rot. It's truly amazing. (Is it funny that I find your corpses beautiful? Hmm. Oh well. It is what it is.) I hope you had an awesome Halloween, and thanks once again for the spectacular blogging work; you rock!

K.O. said...

It is truly hard to believe, looking at these shots, that I'm looking at someone's yard. Instead, it looks like an entire world.
Incredible work!!!! Happy Halloween!!

Unknown said...

Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!!! There are many people who will never meet you, but who are so inspired by your artistry. Don't worry when you feel that your installations might be "too dark". You will NEVER please everyone. Those who like your work will come, those who don't can simply keep walking. Stay true to your personal vision - ALWAYS. So, thank you again for all your energy, artistry and willingness to share. I truly hope to come see your installation in person next year. What a treat that would be!!!

JHMDF said...

Can't wait to examine and ponder over every photo and prop. So happy to see so many new scarecrows.

Damian Michael AKA HalloweeNut said...

Whoa. I am truly at a loss for words...

Amazing work, Rot. You've truly out done yourself this time. Absolutely stunning, and hauntingly beautiful. I cannot wait to see the video. I bow before the master.

Happy Samhain!

The Creeping Cruds said...

Lovely maize work - colors - scary and wondrous props.
I wish you lived on my street.
I mean I REALLY wish you lived on my street!

iDesigniBuy said...

That was a scary and really spooky Halloween history, before time I mean people really took Halloween very seriously.. The celebration changed in every gen, now its more of costumes and greeting cards for celebration.

Chris 'Frog Queen' Davis said...

Anytime I think I know what I am doing..... :D Absolutely stunning and imaginative. Just wow.

joy said...

totally awesome!!!

Unknown said...

Would you mind if I archived these photos? You do fantastic work, you inspire me...Mr. Rot.

Dio said...

If anyone ever asks if the best of Halloween can be summed up in one word, I will tell them "Pumpkinrot".


The Gill-Man said...

I'll add to the chorus here...I think you've outdone yourself this year!!!

Justin D said...

Wow Rot, just amazing! Every year is good, but I really dig this one. The realism of the corpsecrows is always kind of stunning and every texture and color is an inspiration. Thanks for what you do.

As always, the jacko's are great too and I have to ask. How many days before Halloween do you start carving pumpkins? I'm trying to imagine how many per night you and Bean must have to make. :)

Rot said...

Thanks, everyone. REALLY REALLY appreciate it.
Pumpkins are always a stressful thing because of the scope. I gut them and Bean carves them...we'll do it all two nights before Halloween...a night before the photoshoot/setup. And even then some of them are showing some softness. But we put on music and set up large trash bags on the floor and have long conversations about faces and how this year's theme relates to them. Like we talked about how the maniac who made human scarecrows would actually be really good at carving pumpkins...he loves Halloween and has been doing this for years and years. My initial thought/plan was to have them all be sloppily carved....but we shot it down.

Dstrong61 said...

Hey Rot just wondering when you may a video to view as you mentioned? I'm really looking forward to seeing it! Not trying to rush you (well maybe a little lol) just excited to see it all on film! Great job!

Rot said...

Thanks...sadly, it'll be a week or so.
I have to figure out some conversion issues with the .mov files and my editing software that doesn't like .mov files.

But i'll figure it out shortly. I plan on doing the video first...then the photo gallery.

Unknown said...

Yet again, your works of art are a wonder to the eyes and mind! Congrats on another brilliant display and thanks for sharing Rot!

Ragged Grin said...

As with previous years...I like to take my time and process everything. So far...

I love the lighting in the three porch spirits...absolutely love it. Brilliant stuff.

I keep going back to the long haired corpse, just a killer prop.

Love the idea of the field of corpsecrows and placing all that corn by the road and flipping things on end is brilliant.

Your hands are always something I inevitably become transfixed upon, nobody else close.

Overall just a master class of a display, the bottles, the ghosts, on and on. Amazing.

Unknown said...

A true work of Halloween art. I'm just so inspired and in awe of your work. The very essence of Halloween captured in each photo. I'm not blowing smoke when I say this, you are one of my favorite artists. Hands down.

Countess VonRauber (Heidi) said...

That was trick r' treating for my eyes! The crunchy leaves, the glowing jack o's, the organic rotting figures.... oh my! And Bean's shots are so perfect. There's one where she photographed a pumpkin stem in the foreground and a rotting scarecrow was in the background, that was just the perfect harmony of organic elements. The flow of the stem as well as the colors, just worked so beautifully with your creation in the background. Pure eye candy.