Thursday, February 3, 2022

The Pilot

I reject that expensive fan film called Prometheus.

The creature below is exactly that:  A creature.  An alien being.
And definitely NOT some blue humanoid in an elephant-bone space suit.
Lies.  Prometheus was all lies.  The King of Lies.

Click below and tell me that thing is just a space suit.


Holy Tarra said...

Yeah...I had a hard time with that one too and the whole "making them into the creator" thing.
But I did really love the film anyway...such a great cast...Michael Fassbender as David..and Numi Rapace was great.....the Guy Pearce character??? I don't know....I just watched Alien and Aliens today while baking. Alien is still in my top five of perfect horror films...FLAWLESS!

Rot said...

Agreed about ALIEN.
And I'm always tempted to rant about ALIENS, despite loving it, because the aliens weren't supposed to be so easily killed by bullets from the Marines' guns. A Perfect organism... even when Ripley blasted that thing out into space at the end of ALIEN, it didn't get damaged by the thrust of the escape pod. The tether broke and the entire alien floated off into space.... Ash himself said you couldn't kill it. And that's a fantastic concept. But I guess no sequel could have existed with an army of invincible creatures. My only gripe about ALIENS, of course, as that is so much fun and I can still remember seeing that in the theater. To say nothing of James Horner's amazing film score. And Goldsmith's score for the first film is a masterpiece.

Willow Cove said...

Yeah, I love the concept of the pilot being one with the chair. Some mysteries shouldn't be dissected and rebooted. I wonder if Ridley Scott and O'Bannon thought back then it was more than fossilized skin.

Revenant Manor said...

I have effectively quarantined Prometheus in the same mental oubliette as Indiana Jones Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.

Certainly, it's not as bad in pure movie terms, but as canonical trainwrecks, I feel like they can both just sit in the corner and think about what they've done....lessons need to be learned.

Rot said...

nobody has the chops to make original stuff any longer.
the renaissance is over.

Holy Tarra said...

It seemed like they went a little overboard with the comic relief wisecracks in Aliens but I have to say that Joe and I still reference Bill Paxton's line..."Game over, man!" Just struck us as funny instead of scary. I loved Lance Henrickson as the AI...have always liked him in just about everthing.

Rot said...

I agree about the comic element. And that's funny that you still use that. My brother and I will often say "how could they cut the power? they're animals, man"