Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Trailer: Cobweb

We watched this atmospheric and quite spooky film the other night.  Been seeing a lot of people slagging on it online, and it's baffling.  In a film world where we get horror movies with over-the-top gore, soulless characters, weak dialogue, and terrible CGI, I will never understand how the average horror fan can get so toxic when they see something like COBWEB.  

I would describe this film as a Halloween Fairytale Horror film.  The visuals are wonderful, the characters are interesting, and the scares are really effective.  And an added bonus has the movie set during the week of Halloween.  Lots of Halloween eye candy.  

I was afraid the trailer would give too much away, but it doesn't.  So click below...


Haunted Eve said...

There's a scene in the trailer with a locked tiny closet door and Mr. Haunted Eve immediately went to himself, "Tales From the Darkside episode "Inside The Closet" starring Fritz Weaver." That old TV series had a huge impact!

Rot said...

I remember that!

Señor Scary said...

I LOVED this movie and also described it as a Horror Fairytale, which seems to puzzle many. Early on it gave me some strong Twilight Zone vibes, and Lizzy Caplan continues to be a stellar actress of the macabre (if you didn't see her take on Misery, it is a must watch). COBWEB holds my #2 spot of the year (thus far) behind Talk to Me. So many reboots, sequels, etc. it's so refreshing to see new ideas... and yet the ever complaining horror fans diss it. Oh well.

Rot said...

So glad to hear it!
Thanks for that recommendation. I never knew she was in that. I will definitely check that version out!

Autumnleaf said...

I have to admit that the pumpkin stabbing scene was the most disturbing for me. Did anyone else see pumpkin wallpaper before realizing they're balloons? Everyone should have a yard full of pumpkin patch. Just please don't murder all of them.

Rot said...

I watched that pumpkin yard with envious eyes...

Ragged Grin said...

The trailer looks awesome. Finishing a prop head and trying a “new to me” pumpkin beer this afternoon/evening. This looks like the perfect accompaniment.