Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Dinner And An Alien Autopsy

We had the pleasure of seeing John Carpenter's THE THING on the big screen last week.  Hard to imagine that this film didn't do well when it was first released in 1982.  Fortunately, all these years later it can still manage to fill a theater.  

They took a poll before the film started to see how many people were seeing it for the first time and there was a pretty decent number of folks with their hands raised.  Imagine seeing the scene below for the very first time.  I envied those people...

Click to watch:


Revenant Manor said...

Crazy that in a metro area like Atlanta we've only got one theater that I've been able to find that will be showing it...The Plaza (one of the few remaining independents, and the oldest) will be running it for a few days beginning on the 19th.

Unfortunately,that would mean going inside the perimeter, and braving the traffic to get to Midtown, a prospect that's at least as scary as any scene in the film...still tempted, though.

I do wonder what those first-timers thought seeing the practical effects in that movie, and in that scene in particular. I can only assume it illustrates (or reinforces) how much we're all being robbed these days with the video game effects we're being given.

Rot said...

Not sure I would make that drive either. Fortunately, this film was showing in a quaint and wonderful town about forty minutes from here.

Watching THE THING also reminded me of the way we've been given actors in modern films that are too young and too attractive. I have ranted about this on the blog in the past, but I miss the days of old/older/normal-looking characters in my movies. The deplorable THING Prequel is literally the answer to the question "What would THE THING film be if it were made in the 2000's?" Terrible CG effects, young "pretty" actors, terrible story, and no heart.

Revenant Manor said...

Oh, my goodness, yes...the human equivalent of CGI, and every bit as tedious and uninteresting.

That is exactly the noxious combination of All-Gloss-No-Substance that was assembled to deliver the disaster of a 'prequel'...and what's crazy is that there is no indication that anyone is going to learn from it.

JHMDF said...

Still my favorite movie I've ever seen. 😁

TheMatriculat said...

The Thing is one of if not the greatest sci-fi horror movies ever made. I still get the feeling of isolation when I watch it. The effects are still shocking and I know they are coming. The underlying who-dun-it feeling of the movie. Carpenter at his best.

Rot said...

Totally agree!