When we first started making props, my brother and I would use strips of newspaper dipped into a mache mixture of just flour and water. We'd store those props in my parents' attic and a lot of the early ones are still up there. The tombstones I have used in past haunts were also coated in the flour mache. As well as the Pumpkin King on the porch and the earliest prop we ever made - the weird little ghost prop from Tales from the Darkside's "Trick Or Treat" pilot.
Two weeks ago, my father called and wanted me to come down and check the roof from inside the attic because he suspected a leak. All those old props had been skinned alive - by mice. They ate the flour right off of the newspaper. The tombstones were in pieces and the props looked like they died from extreme psoriasis. Thankfully they don't eat Elmers glue.
My dad asked me to pick up rat/mouse poison next time I'm shopping for supplies at a Home Depot or Lowes. I lied and said I would.

There's just no way.
Ah, I could not do it either. :)
Thanks for your unique understanding of the interactions of mice and men....okay, that was really, really bad. You don't have to post this one :)
Sure i do : D
Any plans on resurrecting the mouse-nibbled props with the updated Rot treatment? I did this to one of my early goblins, and it turned out better than the original.
Very admirable.
Ok, I'll be the one then.
Mice chew everything. If there are electrical wires up there.....
think about it anyway.
You can always get the have a heart traps and then release the little beggars into the woods. You just have to check the traps daily. Poison is a bad option because it can poison the thing that eats the mouse, let alone the mouse could die between the walls and stink up the joint. And they're cute.
Your skeleton looks like the skeleton from Tales From The Darkside, episode Trick or Treat. Love its primitive abstraction, like something from the 1940's, very disturbing!
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