Monday, November 22, 2010

True Story

Melody was babysitting for a wealthy couple. The couple has a huge rolling mansion, and the father requests for the babysitter to sit in the television room closest to the kids, so she can hear them if they happen to call out during the night.

Melody puts the kids to bed, then she settles down to watch TV and wait for the parents to come home. Melody notices a clown statue standing in the corner of the room which looked as though it was watching her. Feeling somewhat unnerved by it, she tried to ignore it, but eventually, the statue sent chills down her spine and it scared her enough to leave the room to call the father. She asked him if she could move the clown statue to another room and after a long pause, the father tells her to grab the kids, run next door and call the police.

Melody thought that the father’s reaction to her request was a bit odd, but she was scared enough to do as she was told. Once she was at the neighbor’s house and the police had been called, she phoned the father again to ask him what was going on, to which he replied, “We don’t own a clown statue.”

Image by Darwin Bell.


JD said...

It's pennywise!!!

Mantan Calaveras said...

You gotsta love... a clown. The less menacing the better, in my opinion.

You want the clown to ride the line, eerie, but not outright threatening. A mystery, a riddle, a puzzle box. What are his intentions? That man behind the makeup. Simply to bring joy and laughter to children? If his intentions are so pure, why obscure his face?

With a good clown, you can never be sure, if you're safe.

Sara said...

And there on the door handle was a bloody HOOK! dun dun DUUUUUUUUN.

I'm not even scared of clowns and that pic creeped me out.

Also, this IS a true story--happened to my cousin's best friend's neighbor. Pfft.

Hopsy the beer drinking clown said...

damn clowns...

Anonymous said...

I love urban legends....I could read them all day!

screaminscott said...

Stop freaking me out!

The October boy said...

Heard that one a couple of different ways, but it never gets old. Who in their right mind would own a clown statue in the first place? We all float down here.......

Rot said...

Same here. Lots of different versions. One has the father say something like "my children have been complaining about a clown in their room for a week and I didn't believe them!"

I swear my sister must have had an urban legends handbook and told me these things constantly as truth.