Friday, February 4, 2022

Basement Foetus

Of the Swamp varietal.


Lady M said...

Looks like he's enjoying a private joke.

Rot said...

He probably is!

Holy Tarra said...

He's a masterpiece!!! One of my favorites of the basement gang.

Rot said...

Thanks! Going to be making room for some more very soon : )

Willow Cove said...

Love his nose, and shoulder spikes.

Rot said...


Withered Vines said...

spooky as ever...luv ittt

Rot said...


Holy Tarra said...

Making room???? What's that mean? Sounds like somebody in the gang is on the chopping block.

Rot said...

haha...nah, just rearranging some things down there and consolidating bins. And getting rid of some spare parts from some old props.