Saturday, February 5, 2022

Hans Ruedi Giger

H.R. Giger would have been 82 today.  Endless inspiration from this man, and his Pilot/Space Jockey design and prop literally kept me wondering and dreaming for decades.  And it still does.  I always wanted to meet the man.  I have a feeling the language barrier wouldn't have been a big deal.  He would have known I adored his work, and owed him a great debt, by the expression on my face.


Sara said...

Awesome ring.

Rot said...

Thanks! One of my favorite things.

Undeadpumpkinbread said...

Such a pioneer! There will always be imitators, but no one that comes close to his genius.

What a cool keepsake to have in honor of him.

Rot said...

Yeah, his work and style is so unique that the imitators are such obvious frauds. I can't think of anyone other than Van Gough or Beksinski who stand out as having such a unique and sole style that they literally can never be imitated without it being painfully obvious.

Holy Tarra said...

He was a genius! Truly!

Holy Tarra said...

I'd love to have been able to "pick his brain" and find out what his inspiration was that helped him create that style that was so recognizable. I came across a book of his art in a Half Price Books years back and have regretted not snagging it.

Rot said...

oh i bet i have that book ; )