Tuesday, May 17, 2022

2020 Vs 2021

Man, I love Halloween.  It's the most incredible and bizarre holiday.  Strangers visit strangers for candy, and hopefully a scare.  We mock death by putting out fake tombstones and corpses.  We hang ghosts and witches and fake spider webs.  We hollow out pumpkins to greet our guests with flickering features.  Those of us who are Haunters create small spooky worlds on our lawns and porches.  We smile and laugh when we hear the inevitable screams.  And the screams inevitably turn into laughs.  

It's that laughter, disappearing down the street into the cold darkness of Halloween night, that makes this Holiday so absolutely perfect.


Revenant Manor said...

I'm not sure if it's appropriate to say 'Preach!' in this case, but I'm doing it anyway.

For that matter, I'll throw caution to the wind and say 'Amen', too!

Rot said...


We have a humble and fun congregation for sure.

Tjalgahorn said...

Cheers, I'll drink to that. Long live the Harvest.

Rot said...
