Sunday, July 3, 2022

Tim Burton's White House Halloween

This set of photos came up during one of my searches for blog material.  From 2009, it's a bunch of pics from a Halloween event at the White House, and it's very interesting to see Tim Burton and actors from his films in candid shots roaming around the joint.

Click below to see what I'm talking about...  pretty neat:


Wren said...

Can’t believe I never saw these before. INCREDIBLE!! Definitely what I would do if I was president haha.

Rot said...

I had a feeling you would dig these!

Goneferalinidaho said...

I never knew of this.

Rot said...

Nor I. This Flickr user only recently uploaded these gems. Never came across this event before in all my years of blog material-searchin'

Lady M said...

This is new to me too. I love how the Obama dog gets into the action. What a lot of fun.

Rot said...
