Thursday, September 29, 2022

Mezcal And Me

And the worm...

I've recently gotten into the distilled alcoholic agave beverage Mezcal.  I mentioned this fact to my cool neighbor who lives across the street (as we often ask each other "Drinking anything good lately?") and he said he was going to see if he had any in the house, as he was sure he had an old bottle.  He mentioned it might have a worm in it.   

Now, growing up as a boy, you always heard about a worm in a bottle of booze.  Heard it was in a certain kind of booze.  I heard it was Tequila.  But Mezcal (Tequila's smokey smooth brother) is where that worm resides.  Sloshing around in the cool tincture... slosh slosh slosh (ripping off Bradbury's THE JAR here).  We'd all say "I'd drink it!  I'd eat the worm!"

So later that day I hear a knock at my door, and my neighbor is standing out there. Holding a bottle.  I laugh and let him in and he holds up the bottle and says, "You have to drink the worm!"  And I say "I WILL! I've wanted to my entire life! I'm a MAAA....."  ...and then I see the worm.  The size of a human pinky.  I was expecting a small meal worm to make me feel manly.  We used to feed those to our reptiles as kids and you get really used to them.  So swallowing one in a shot of Mezcal seemed feasible (but still unsettling).  

But a plump juicy maguey worm is another story.  My neighbor saw the look of horror and said "Aw, Come on!  Just swallow half of it!"  That's half the size of a human pinky.  I retorted "Why haven't YOU yet if it's so easy?!!"  We laughed and then he left the bottle with me.  To ruminate. 

No way.  No how.


Autumnleaf said...

NOooo booze is worth this. Sorry.

Rot said...

Horrible, right? I find that I don't even drink anything from that bottle due to the thought of tiny worm particles.

Scarecrow Atelier said...

Swallow well. The worm needs a symbiote to bond with, hahaha Seriously this thing is disgusting.

Rot said...

I'll keep you posted!

Lady M said...

I have eaten insects but they were dried and kind of crunchy and not half bad. That worm just looks kind of gooey and nasty.

Rot said...

Yeah... I fear no amount of alcohol could get me to a state where that thing is going into my mouth.

Holy Tarra said...

Maybe if you fished him out of the bottle and toasted him with a little butter till he was crunchy???

Rot said...

haha Definitely would be better than it being juicy.

girl6 said...

Yuck! NOPE.
Your neighbor sounds like Fun tho!

"The Jar" Bradbury comparison is Perfect..One of those pale things drifting in alcohol plasma, forever dreaming and circling, with its peeled, dead eyes staring out at you and never seeing you.

Revenant Manor said...

Yikes, that looks like something that should grow up to roam the sands of Arrakis.

I'm actually left to wonder how the bottle is even as empty as it is...

Willow Cove said...

Have you not learned anything from Craig T Nelson?! It’ll grow in your stomach til you regurgitate it.
But maybe you can hang the grown Kane creature as a prop.

Mike C(JASONV123) said...

Haha, I don't blame you!

Goneferalinidaho said...

That's a big nope right there.

Rot said...


Craig T Nelson would be SO disappointed.
And I had the smallest portion of this drink and couldn't get the thought out of my mind of worm bits. So the rest of that was drunk by my neighbor. And he seems fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine.

Willow Cove said...

Next time I want to see a video of him saying the lines from Poltergeist 2 after he eats the worm.” Carolannnnnnn. “

K.O. said...

HELL no! Honestly, I don't think I could even bring myself to drink any of the mezcal since that whopper's been floating in there!!! >_<

Rot said...

Just take a zip!