Monday, September 12, 2022

Modern Trailer: Halloween II

Click below for a really great fan trailer.


girl6 said...

Awwww MY Loomis!!! Hahahha!
My Favorite MadMan. Michael's ok. But that Looooooomis makes me giddy!

& When i was watching the commentary for "Halloween Kills" i learned the MOST Wonderful & Magical thing about the 1978 flashback scene where Loomis runs to the bottom of the stairs & yells out, "Did Michael kill again!?!?" Well, that's NOT CGI & it's NOT old footage spliced together. It's actually a guy from the art dept by the name of Tom Jones Jr. that they thought looked SO much like Pleasance & used him for that scene. i don't know why but hearing that just made me SO happy & kinda cry a little bit too. It's like he's STILL here!