Wednesday, September 28, 2022

The Home Haunt

Out of my weakness and my melancholy,
As he is very potent with such spirits,
Abuses me to damn me. I’ll have grounds
More relative than this. The play’s the thing
Wherein I’ll catch the conscience of the king.

I love finding photos like the below.  It captures the absurdity of it all.  The stage.  Theater.  Building a tiny world.  A gloomy one with shadows and the macabre.  With promises of a treat somewhere within.  Come on up and get it.  

Image by Josie Flatt.


Sara said...

Love the new header

Haunted Eve said...

"The absurdity of it all" is aptly put. There are many times even we question why we do the haunt, why we go to such extremes putting up a display each and every Halloween night for the past 24 years. Perhaps our time and money could be better spent, and sometimes the effort is exhausting on both body and mind. Yet no matter how tired and worn out we are comes October 31st, when the sun sets and the trick-or-treaters and their families arrive and experience our art and respond in joy, awe, or even fear, there's a sense of pride and accomplishment that inspires us to go through it all over again the following year.

Rot said...

Thanks, Sar!

Rot said...

Well put, Haunted Eve!

Revenant Manor said...

What a fun picture.

To borrow a few of the immortal words from noted Halloween aficionado Mr. Linus Van Pelt:

"You can look around and there's not a sign of hypocrisy. Nothing but sincerity as far as the eye can see."

Rot said...


Autumnleaf said...

It looks as though this could be a rural setting. Yet the effort was still made to celebrate the season. Sincerity, indeed.

girl6 said...

A lonnng time ago you did a post on haunters but i can't remember exactly. i looked up the word haunt & it's variants. i remember commenting something like.."Haunters are ghosts that return home every Halloween" You guys really give SO much joy & i suspect probably go a little crazy & broke in the wallet too doing so. Anyway, you guys are MAGICAL.

Rot said...

A true Labor of Love.
And that is pretty accurate. I'm a residual Haunting... repeating and repeating.