Friday, May 12, 2023

Ghostbusters Breakdown

This was one of the coolest things anyone ever shared with me.  Had no idea someone had completed an extreme detailed analysis of Ray Parker Jr's song Ghostbusters.  I can't recall the last time that listening to a podcast brought me such intense joy (you'll see what I mean).  By the end of this glorious thing, I was blissed out on nostalgia and proud to be born in the land of Ghostbusters and 80's movie magic.

Trust me on this... It might just make your weekend.

Thanks, Wren!  

Click below...(go to the 49:00 mark):


Revenant Manor said...

"It's like musical Tetris"

"I had no idea there was so much..."

I was thinking these exact things when they said them, and was just increasingly impressed at all of the individual elements that comprised the song as they went along.

Definitely an enjoyable bit of time travel, and one that ensures I won't ever take that song for granted again!

Rot said...

I had a very strong feeling you’d dig that!

Revenant Manor said...

Oh, was 100% on-brand!

Adam said...

This was so god damned entertaining!!

Rot said... amazing breakdown. Love this thing. And the song even more now.