December 9: Met with Blake this evening for the first time. He stood in the shadows to prevent me from getting a clear look at his face. What a vile disease this is. He is a rich man with a cursed condition, but this does not prevent him from trying to better his situation and that of his comrades at the colony.
December 11: Blake's proposition is simple, He wants to move off Tanzier Island and re-locate the entire colony just north of here. He has purchased a clipper ship called the Elizabeth Dane with part of his fortune and asks only for permission to settle here. I must balance my feelings of mercy and compassion for this poor man, with my revulsion at the thought of a leper colony only a mile distant.
April 20: The six of us met tonight. From midnight until one o'clock, we planned the death of Blake and his comrades. I tell myself that Blake's gold will allow the church to be built, and our small settlement to become a township, but it does not soothe the horror that I feel being an accomplice to murder.

Holy HELL man! Gimme a better look!!! You've perfectly captured the mood of the movie. All the dripping bits of fabric/flesh. Love it!
And Happy Birthday Antonio Bay!
And go to bed, you crazy fool.
Incredible sculpture!
We took Blake to a bank of the Delaware River and had a bunch of LED flashlights and giant smoke bombs in a large tin coffee can.
At one point a tug boat went by and saw the commotion on shore and hit us with a giant spotlight...a really neat moment. Then the wake from the boat reached the shore and the creepy rolling waves made the most amazing sounds in the dark.
That is really great man. What an excellent photo too!
Man, you actually built a prop for this? That's amazing!!! Thanks again for being part of this! :D
Thanks, man.
I had a note in my pad written for the longest time "Blake and his men"...I always imagined making a bunch of them and standing them at the Jersey shore somewhere at night... Ghost Ship day was a great way to get me to follow through with most of the plan : )
I used a zombie from my 2010 walking dead shoot..the one-armed one off in the distance.
When you emailed me about being a part of Ghost Ship day, I got to work immediately.
Thanks for asking!
Spreading the word on Fog Day on fb. You gotta get on and preach the P-Rot gospel!
~ Randy Q.
Absolutely love this! Really need to dig out The Fog tonight for a viewing!
ha! looks great. "I have your gold, Blake!"
Your work is so groovy -- you achieve detail and atmosphere in one shot, so very hard to do. Really, really good stuff. Thanks for supporting HalloweeNut -- he's one of my favorite Creatures of the Night!
Did the zombie in the background ever have a front? Did the main zombie (not the one with it's head bowed) ever have any legs and feet? Was the OTHER zombie (The one looking up in a few shots) just a groundbreaker. You only have to make what you show....
Nope. It never had a front.
And the others only had what was seen in the are correct.
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