Monday, May 9, 2022

Buckaroo Banzai: The Hoax

Neat scene from a cool movie...


Revenant Manor said...

I will always love that the presence of names like John Bigbooté, John Small Berries, et al is the evidence of a hoax.

Meanwhile, the guy that is confidently making the declaration just happens to go by the name of Reno Nevada...and nobody even blinks.

That movie is endlessly entertaining.

Rot said...

THAT is a very good point!

Revenant Manor said...

And, as something of a related aside, I'm perennially tempted to randomly place a watermelon somewhere in the haunt.

I think the odds of success are pretty low, but what if someone got it, and played along?

What if someone actually asked "What's that watermelon doing there?", and I could say that I'd tell them later...but then I never would.

I think that the only thing holding me back is how disappointing it would be if no one asked.

Rot said...

Haha...a reference that literally no one would get!
But worth it!

Willow Cove said...

I didn’t get it. Had to google the scene. Ha!

Rot said...

Green horn! ; )