Saturday, September 23, 2023

Haunted Attraction: Halloween Nights At Eastern State Penitentiary

Last night we went to the massive and very gloomy Eastern State Penitentiary for their Halloween Nights.  The Philadelphia location is really impressive and the perfect setting for a Haunted Attraction.  The size of the prison allows for multiple haunted houses and various places for food and beverages.  But that same size, I think, makes the Attraction feel a little too spread out inside.  A little sparse in parts.  

I also think Lancaster's Field of Screams is a tough act to follow.  

We had a great time though, enjoying some terrific drinks and food, and making S'mores over a fire while listening to a Ghoul read poetry on stage (that actually happened).

Below are some photos from Friday night...


MR. Macabre said...

I've seen more than one documentary about that place, it would be very cool to see it in person. There you go again with your east coast advantage over us left coasters.

Adam said...

I wanted to like it more than I did when I went. Obviously the location is amazing in itself, however I would agree on the sparse comment. There would be lathe insanely long hallways with fog and lighting, and not one single scare actor was placed there.

Jenna said...

Totally agree it was spaced out, but I also liked the feeling of being in an abandoned place....and of course the vortex tunnel ;)

Rot said...

Haha I will meet my end going over a vortex tunnel railing.

Revenant Manor said...

Good grief, what an incredible setting / backdrop! It's a great idea for a Halloween attraction, but it is definitely enormous.

I can certainly see why it might be difficult to adequately fill. (but also have to wonder if there are some missed opportunities to use that same emptiness to their advantage)

One thing is for sure, it would be a fun canvas to paint on.

Lady M said...

Talk about having some authenticity! What an amazing location.

Rot said...

Definitely amazing location. The spotlights coming from the main guard tower was the best touch.