Saturday, August 4, 2012


So we checked out the Halloween Preview Party at a Yankee Candle store and it was pretty lame. The three employees were dressed in costumes - baseball jerseys. There was a tray of food - chopped-up bagels. There was a raffle door prize giveaway - 20 % off your purchase.

We left before the drawing occurred. With the candles below:

As we drove home, the door prize really got under my skin. So you can only get the prize if you purchase something from the store? What kind of free gift is that? Heck, I was thinking there'd be a few Halloween votives or a pack of tealights as a prize. And I was also thinking the Halloween items would be on sale. I guess my expectations were unrealistic. I was hoping for some Halloween music, maybe some witch hats on the employees, and maybe some cinnamon cake and cider. A string of lights wouldn't hurt either.

Seriously, what kind of door prize WAS that?
The sign said "Giveaways every hour!"
The sign didn't say "Purchase required!"


wicKED said...

Nothing pisses me off more than a person or group offering up Halloween when they have no concept of what Halloween is. I appreciate people trying but dang....try harder. Anything worth doing is worth doing right.

Rot said...

Their stuff isn't cheap either, so they certainly have some breathing room. Show some customer appreciation. Just a little.

I bought a $27.00 jar candle! Ugh.

Terrormaster said...

We're gonna swing by in about an hour or so to see what's left. Didn't think their little party was gonna amount to much. Our main reasons for going are to check if there's any in store items left that were already sold out online when we started shopping last night.

We usually pick up stuff from the Boney Bunch collection. We managed to snag the Play Dead Puppy before that sold out. But we REALLY REALLY wanted to get the Baby Carriage one for our son's room as this year will be his first Halloween. Fingers crossed that its still in store but I doubt we'll find it.

Unknown said...

We just got back and I must agree... lame and a let down.

Old Fashion Halloween said...

So happy I didn't brave the heat and closed highway detours. Bummed at not getting the baby carriage or skeleton jar hanger though on line. Expect they will pop up on ebay though.

Rot said...

You might try calling the store to see if they would put that aside for you. I saw a cat candle holder in the store, quite a few of them, and that item is sold out on their site.

Autumnleaf said...

Just got back also. No black cat stuff (delayed) but there WAS music, fog,everyone in witches costumes and chocolates offered. Our store moved upstairs to a smaller place and so things are more limited.

Rot said...

That's great.

There's hope for these stores yet.
I wonder if it's up to the employees on the level of Halloween. I just assumed HQ told them specifically what to do for the event.

This is even LAMER now.

Thanks for the report : )

Sharon Day said...

Tomorrow, I'm finally hitting the stores to see what early items they have out. I want my home to smell like Halloween from now through Thanksgiving.

Rot said...

Good plan.

Señor Scary said...

I too attended the preview party this morning, and by our Halloween standards I agree that it is a missed opportunity to make it The Event. The giveaways at previous years have been better than this year's – which was nothing. Luckily, they do have $10 off coupons but you have to sign up for their newsletter ahead of time, and you can use as many coupons as their are people in your group. We saved $20. Yankee Candle is relatively new to the Halloween machine and they still haven't figured out the true potential or how to market it. Their sister company, Illuminations, got it but then went bankrupt! At least they are trying which is better than most stores who simply try to make a buck.

Shani said...

We were there too! Totally agree....Lame! Other years have been much better. Last year they actually dressed up in Halloween costumes...not just baseball jersey's...which was rediculous if you ask me.

At any rate...we did get a bunch of stuff...all of which I am very happy with only to get home and get a $20 off coupon in the mail. ugh!!! Last year was definitely more Halloween oriented and more festive and more fun. =(

Colleen said...

All three employees at the S. Portland, ME Yankee Candle were all dressed as witches:D The food offering at the door was cookies made by Ruby Tuesday... which, I had no idea Ruby Tuesday made cookies. I wish that store I had gone to had more of the skeleton crew line in stock.. but ah well. Over all, I came away happy.

highbury said...

The employees at my store were dressed (poorly) as the Avengers. I scored a Witches Brew Jar Candle, 2 Witches Brew Car Jars and a Candy Corn Car Jar. The giveaways were little cupcakes. There was a rope line outside the store, so I'm assuming all the crazy ladies were there, lined up bright and early at 10am.

Goneferalinidaho said...

That reminds me of our experience today at the local soul food fest. I waited in line FOREVER and when I ordered they were out of what K wanted and then said they were out of BBQ sauce. This was after I paid. What sort of BBQ joint runs out of sauce. Their pulled pork sammies sucked too. Grumble Grumble.

Carnevale Obscura said...

My wife, my mom and I went to the Yankee Candle party as well (here in San Diego). The ladies were dressed up, a couple witches and a cat. Food was good, coffee and a purple and orange swirl cake, cupcakes, cookies and few other snacks. We picked up the large orange glass pumpkin (with witch hat), a witches brew candle, a boney bunch cat and the boney bunch candy dish for half off for buying more than 30 bones worth of items. We were after the baby boney bunch one as well but they said it already sold out, goshdurnit. Overall it was nice, nothing spectacular, but nice.

Kicked myself a bit when we went to Home Goods afterward and saw the much much cheaper Yankee Candles there. Oh well, now I know where to go first!

The Undertaker: said...

Ours wasn't too bad. The employees chose a "Gone with the Wind" theme and all were dressed in Southern Gowns...and yes, there was a "pencil-thin moustached" Rett Butler too.

I had arrived after the first drawing and left before the 2nd drawing so that part of it was a non-issue.

I had printed out a "Save $15 on your $45.00 total purchase" from their newsletter and used it well!

I bought a Witches Brew medium jar, two Witches Brew Car Fresheners (and got one free), one box of Witches Brew tea lights and 6 Witches Brew wax melts. A decent score I'd say.

The HAPPY HALLOWEEN candle smelled like licorice, anise and cloves which is exactly the same ingredients in their "online only" BLACK CAULDRON BREW candle so if that sounds appealing to you (too licoricey for me), just buy the HAPPY HALLOWEEN candle.

I love looking at the BONEY BUNCH stuff but I don't buy any of that. They had a few pieces that are good inspiration for homemade Halloween props though!

All in was a bit more active than in previous years here in Kennesaw, GA. I'll be back for more Witches Brew when I receive another coupon from the newsletter.

Rot said...

I bought the Happy Halloween one and it's only black licorice, so I'm hoping the Black Cauldron one is as they state - licorice, anise, and clove.

Though I notice they've changed the description on their website to read the same as the Black Cauldron, which Sold Out ...licorice, clove, anise.

The Happy Halloween candle states on the label that it's solely black licorice.

Looking forward to getting my Black Cauldron....supposedly it shipped already.

I'll give an update.

Glad you got all that cool stuff.

Autumnleaf said...

I checked the YC site this evening and it seems the black cauldron and other 'exclusives' are sold out. Oddly enough though, they are all restocked w/black cat t-light, clinger and jar holder. Go figure