Sunday, April 17, 2022

Please, Hollywood, Make Another Scary Movie

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Revenant Manor said...

Yes, please!

But, will Hollywood ever produce a supernatural horror of that quality again? ​

Anymore, we only seem to get increasingly lazy special effects where story use to be, and / or gore and jump scares in place of an atmosphere that is actually scary.

Short of a visionary director who just really WANTS to create something amazing in the genre, I don't know how we'll get another one...

Rot said...

I agree with you. I think they think our quick attention spans can't slow down for quality. So they keep riding that wave of the little fast-moving child ghost that isn't scary (usually with long black hair like in THE RING).

Or the person being pulled into a dark room, along the floor, in fast motion. Yawn.

Sean said...

Tobe Hooper knew how to create fear. I loved the Texas chainsaw massacre, The funhouse, and Poltergeist.

Rot said...

I forget The Funhouse. I have to revisit that one.