Saturday, March 5, 2022

O Fortuna On The Brain

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Random Memory about this song: Was driving around back in the 90s I think, and some new bright yellow convertible Mustang pulls up at the same red light. BLARING from the car's amazing speakers is O Fortuna. Driving this fine car is a meathead the size of Arnold Schwarzenegger. His passenger: A tiny skinny guy. The music is SO loud it's hard to describe.

Kudos to those guys for not being too embarrassed to do this late at night with the top down in the summer. I remember the light turning green and the car peeling out. And then them hopping on an onramp to a local highway, where the guy really gunned it. Riding off like King Arthur, with a tiny squire. 

On a yellow horse.


Willow Cove said...

I would have looked over at those two guys and gave them a nod and revved my engine.
The my Toyota Tercel would have stalled.
This movie is so great. Yeah need to watch it again.

Rot said...


I think I was driving a Plymouth Horizon at the time. yeah.