Monday, September 30, 2013

31 Days Until Halloween

Strange to think the High Holiday is a month away.  I'd imagine the Yard Haunter is a modern form of the Druid Priest.  Our offerings aren't as fiery nor as bloody, but they're important offerings nonetheless, packed with emotion and Tradition.  And Spirit.

I love being a part of this ancient holiday. 
I absolutely love it.


bean said...

Hahaha...our offering has fire AND blood in it.

Lit tea light candles...and scraps and bruises from building.


Rot said...

Yeah...especially this year. A lot of those sticks got me real good.

girl6 said...

i think you said that..Perfectly.

Sara said...

I think Halloween in the 21st century is way more fun than when it originated. I have ready many, many, MANY variations on Halloween origins and man, sometimes they are snoozeville . LOL. I had to say it. They always lose me around the time they start mentioning druids and gourds being used as lanterns, etc.

I love how it is now. Like from the 1900's on up. ;)

Not to take away from your druidiness! I mean, your druidness is cool! Some of my best friends are druids? Don't hate me. :)

Rot said...

You ruined my Druid vibeness.

or, rather, you runed it. (druid humor)

Erin | Bygone Living said...

Sara said...

Hey that was pretty good! lol :D

Willow Cove said...

I love Druid humor.
Man, these last two months flew past me too quickly. Gotta kick it up a notch on building props.

Damian Michael AKA HalloweeNut said...

Well spoken, Rot. This will be a great Halloween, I know it. Probably because it's in the 13th year of this millienium. So looking forward to it.

Anonymous said...

We need to start sacrificing some animals so we get NO rain or snow this year.

I did sacrifice some blood when I almost severe my thumb with a machete trimming branches.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure I can scream DITTO!
loud enough. And not to gush, thanks for all the inspiration. Seriously, our haunt has never looked so cool.

SaraB! said...

Same! Last night (under cover of darkness) I put up our outside decorations (no yard so we just leave our "display" up on the balcony all month) and it is very much a ritual moment to turn off all the lights and troop downstairs to see how it looks from the street.

Very well said, Rot. Happy October 1st!

Rot said...

Happy October!

Rot said...

thanks, Lauren. : )

K.O. said...

Happy October!!! Can't wait to see pics of your offerings this year! :)