Sunday, September 15, 2013

Now Playing: The Lords Of Salem

After all the negative reviews, I was a little worried this film would be a stinker.  I'm happy to say that The Lords of Salem was quite good.  Beautiful cinematography and some great acting.  And it took its sweet time getting there.  A trait completely missing from most modern horror films.

And its score was wonderful.

And I want Dee Wallace to adopt me.
She's AMAZING in this.

Click below:

And here's another cool track.


Steve Ring said...

I rate it valid.

Adam said...

ok, so you and i have to discuss that alien clip as well, but I will say I had my hopes sooo high for this movie and I'm sad to say i was a bit let down. The scenes from around the city are great, the cinematography was great, and parts were really creepy. However, the film is all over the place to me. As a matter of fact I read a article that explains a lot of the missing info that is passed over, that is apparently explained in the novelization. Check it out

Anonymous said...

I agree, Rot. I made sure by watching it twice. I'm not a huge Rob Zombie fan. I was intrigued by "House of 1,oo0 Corpses." But the others, including his homage to "Halloween" made me ill. I thought this was lovely (if you can say that about a film with dead dudes/demons um, pleasuring themselves). I gave it a B. Completely solid.

Ryan said...

Yeah I wouldn't trust reviews on horror movies from people who call the glut of demon/exorcist and ghost movies "scary."

They aren't. At all.

I'm looking forward to watching this next month.

Unknown said...

Glad to hear it. I skipped it in the theaters but a lot of why people didn't like it made me think I would. Will definitely check it out.

Goneferalinidaho said...

Really? I haven't seen it and don't like Rob Zombie's stuff much at all. OK I really don't like it. I may have to pick up a copy. Thanks for the review.

Marrow said...

Can't wait to see this. Plus The Sacrament and You're Next.

Great to hear it gets the stamp of approval.

Ragged Grin said...

I agree, enjoyed it in spite of negative reviews. Visually striking film.

Rot said...

I was worried.
I enjoyed 1000 corpses and Devil's Rejects. Was really disappointed with his Halloween films.

I respect the risk of making a movie about a witch's curse.

And you'll want to move to Salem after watching this. Everyone in it has the collest Pottery Barn house : )

Rot said...

Marrow, I too am very curious about The Sacrament.

Seeing him in You're Next would be strange and cool. And funny since he's on the victim list I think.

Rot said...

That scene you mentioned..I was like "Wait..WHAT?!!! Did i just see...wait..WHAT?!!!"

Anonymous said...

Um, dead dudes/demons pleasuring themselves?? Do I want to see this movie?

I also enjoyed House of a 1000 Corpses and Devil's Rejects, so hopefully this is as good.

Rot said...

: ) was completely relevant and necessary for the scene!

The movie wouldn't have worked otherwise ; )

Damian Michael AKA HalloweeNut said...

I'll be honest - I'm a Rob Zombie fanboy, and I can't wait to see this. Apparently, Zombie's opening a scream park this year, with one haunt called "Lords of Salem: Total Blackout". Could be fun.

Ragged Grin said...

Taken out of context, to read a breakdown of some of the scenes, yeah, it reads like some kind of over the top extreme head film. But the story was cohesive, the visuals... amazing, acting... including Mrs. Zombie somewhat surprisingly... was great, Dee Wallace.... amazing(!) and the score, spot on perfect. It's an amazing mind trip of a movie.

Rot said...

like exactly.

and i was really happy with Mrs. Zombie's performance.

and it was just GREAT to have a film about witches and salem and beaufiful fall images.

girl6 said...

it blew my mind that Heidi slept beneath the "trip to the moon"(movie) poster, especially since, i have the same image above my bed!..brrrrr

i was so disappointed, when we were denied "TLOS" original release date of October 2012..sucha Bummer :(

i Can't stop watching this film.
i wanna live right there, in that golden town.
The Lords of Salem, is truly Rob's "love letter" to Salem.
his love for the masters, such as Argento & Polanski is
also alive & well in this beauty.

Rob is a self-contained Renaissance man & you can feel he's been making movies for a long time. (since he was a little kid with his bro)
i LOVE the earthy & intimate vibe of his movies, especially in this one!.

Perfect casting too. <3
Oh & always wonderful to see Patricia Quinn (Magenta from the Rocky Horror Picture Show) in anything.

Ragged Grin said...

...and that, given the negative reviews, was the least I was hoping for, to have something to hit up right now, some killer inspiration and beautiful imagery. Kind of like an amazing prop, the imagery might be horrific but it's undeniably beautiful. Now if we can just get our hands on that Scarecrow movie...Jones something or other.

girl6 said...

& then there's the soundtrack..
gahhhhh..warm honey & madness

Prudence Deer said...

I've pretty much hated RZ's films up until now but I continue to watch in hopes that he'd get better. I don't know if he actually got any better this time around, but the result is definitely better. I think it's because of two things: 1. He was copying 70's satanic horror films this time around and those are much more sedate in their presentation, and 2. He avoided white trash idiot characters.

girl6 said...

& after all that, i didn't even mention one of the First things that popped into my head, when i saw the witches in flashback. is how they really look like the witches, Goya painted, brought to Life & i LOVE that so Much!.

Hopsy the beer drinking clown said...

I have to disagree with the general vibe here on this one, having recently watched it at home without interruption....I wanted to turn the tv off and walk away part way through. Just not feeling it on any level. I found it to be a confused mess that never really went anywhere satisfying. Nothing exceptional about the story, the cinematography, certainly not the acting. Rob Zombie needs to stop putting his lady in everything he does, it's getting old!
And if I wanted to see something Polanski-esque...I'll just watch actual Polanski films like "Rosemary's Baby" or "Repulsion" or if I wanted crappy Polanski I could watch "The Ninth Gate"...
Oh well, disappointed again by Rob Zombie, was really hoping for a comeback after those lousy Halloween movies. maybe his upcoming hockey movie will redeem him somehow?